Wenyao Yu-Flying Fish a symbol of good fortune and happiness

《山海经·西山经》:“又西百八十里,曰 泰器之山 。 观水 出焉,西流注于流沙。是多文鳐鱼,状如鲤鱼,鱼身而鸟翼,苍文而白首,赤喙,常行西海,游于东海,以夜飞。” 晋 左思 《吴都赋》:“精卫衔石而遇缴,文鳐夜飞而触纶。” 唐 唐彦谦 《汉代》诗:“黻帏翘彩雉,波扇画文鳐。” 胡韫玉 《太平洋归舟中作》诗:“飞潜无主文鳐苦,升谪随天赤凤哀。”

Wenyao yu is a magical being with unique and fascinating characteristics recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. According to the record, the Wenyao yu is located at a water source one hundred and eighty miles west of the mountain of Taiji, whose waters flow westward into the quicksand. This area is depicted as the habitat of Wenyao yu, which has attracted attention with their colorful appearance and magical behavior.

Wenyao yu is a magical being with unique and fascinating characteristics recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. According to the record, the Wenyao yu is located at a water source one hundred and eighty miles west of the mountain of Taiji, whose waters flow westward into the quicksand. This area is depicted as the habitat of Wenyao yu, which hasattracted attention with their colorful appearance and magical behavior.

According to records, Wenyao yu are mainly active in the West Sea, and launch their flights at night to swim in the East Sea. This nocturnal flight behavior makes Wenyao yu seem even more mysterious and elusive. Both their fish body and bird wings demonstrate their freedom and elegance, conjuring up images of them soaring through the darkness of the night.
The sound made by Wenyao yu has been described as similar to the call of a luan chicken. Perhaps this sound carries a lilting, high-pitched melody that is haunting.

When people witnessed Wenyao yu flying in the sky, this was seen as an omen of a great harvest in the world. This imagery, which symbolizes a good year and a bountiful harvest, has made the Wenyao yu a symbol of good fortune and happiness in people’s minds.

Wenyao Yu cosplay

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